Why We Get Fat

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If you have gained enough weight to have unwittingly entered into the realm of the unhealthy and labeled as obese by medical standards then this book is for you. Once you reach that “Aha” or "Eureka” moment, you can begin the work of becoming Slim and Trim. The following YouTube will give you a better understanding of why buying this book is a good idea. It may help you to see how your damaging fat-generating storage hormone, insulin, is triggered by hepatotoxic monosaccharides, why you should learn how to do a Keto Diet + Intermittent Fast, (which I call ‘The Carb Fast,’) and switch to consuming more of a better form of carbohydrate, polysaccharide prebiotic fiber. Thank you.

Mark Spilmon

My goal is to become a well-respected Nutritional Scientist. Learn more about me on my personal Website listed here.


Hormones, Metabolism and the Benefits of Exercise (a free book)


Probulin Probiotic Reviewed