Slim-A-Trim Overview

To be right up front and honest, understanding what food does to your body is not simple to explain. Metabolism is a complicated process, but you can certainly learn as I did through currently available YouTube videos that you can take control of your health instead of being lead by a misguided trust in the guess work of a dogmatic medical practitioner, who is quite often over whelmed by the tasks he faces due to the expanding epidemic of obesity. This program I've developed is about presenting you with the sound scientific knowledge you'll need to feel good, and extending your life in a quality way.

Is it quality of nutrients or the quantity? I believe that in presenting the biology of nutrition visually through a series of currently existing YouTube videos will help you to understanding that it's the quality of a nutrient which can make it either medicinal or toxic. Seeking out the medical science of good nutrition along with the rejection of the highly commercialized consumer poisons will help give you a better aspect of a healthier lifestyle. I will attempt to bring you the know how you need to see at a quick glance whether a food is good or bad for your health.

In 1597, Sir Francis Bacon, wrote in his document titled, "Meditationes Sacrae" (Religious Meditations) a Latin aphorism "ipsa scientia potestas est" (knowledge itself is power).

My hope is that through my method of education through the voices of many sound nutritional science professionals by use of posted YouTube video that you can also empower others to live longer happier lives as responsible self healers. Trusting in yourself rather than living in the distorted shadows of others is the paradigm shift I hope you will have. Free your mind!

The number one knowledge I hope you will gain from my method is a philosophy that Obesity is a hormone driven issue relating to the amount of insulin that is been forced into your body to detoxify the blood of poisons that your brain senses to be sweet goodness. Insulin is signaling your body that you have unwittingly ingested a poison and an attempt is being made to fix the problem, but your brain doesn't seem to sense that your choice to consume the poison was a bad one, so you at risk of develop an unhealthy and damaging additive habit not feeling satiated. This is why you need to be educated to differentiate good foods from bad ones and consume in a way that is not toxic, because genetically we are not predispose to consume food in healthy way. It must be a conditioned habit, or your toxic addiction will force you to live a shorten painful life. You should view food as the great Hippocrates once did, that this is medicine.

If you wish to dig in right away and start loosing weight quickly, you should get a strong fundamental understand of what it takes to do an intermittent fast by visiting:

My first advice is to educate yourself as to what will load your body with insulin. Please go to this web page for this insight:

Here you are told:

"Ray Cronise and David Sinclair recently published an article “Oxidative Priority, Meal Frequency, and the Energy Economy of Food and ACtivity: Implications for Longevity, Obesity and Cardiometabolic Disease” which does an interesting job of looking at the ‘oxidative priority’ of various nutrient and demonstrate that the body will burn through nutrients in the following order:

      1. alcohol,

      2. protein (not used for muscle protein synthesis),

      3. non-fibre carbohydrate, and then

      4. fat."

Simply put, 'The Carb Fast' is meant to be an empowerment for elimination of an unhealthy additive habit. Hopefully it changes the paradigm that only the doctor is capable of fixing your health issue.

Please take a few minutes here to view the following linked article to obtain a little self-educated understanding of the insulin index.

And then spend a few moment to study the PDF regarding the Satiety Index to understand that how differently foods make you feel full.

Also, the web site calculates a satiety score for foods in their database called the Fullness Factor. This score has been extremely beneficial to me when I'm inspired to create a new nutritional weight loss food creation. (The best of these inspired recipes, with those from other weight loss inspired creators are located in the recipe section of this website.)

The most important thing to understand about loosing weight is that you can fast and loose weight quickly, but it does require a significant amount of knowledge not to do it in a harmful way.

Quite often, people aren't prepared in knowledge in the understanding of how to consume food to maintain a healthy weight. This eludes even the most well educated medical practitioners, Quite often a quick dietary restrictive type of weight loss will not only produce unsuccessful results, they can severely damage your body.

You don't need to have 4 years of college to understand what is takes to be successful at weight loss, but you do need to have a good understanding of your bodies metabolic needs. There are no magic pills here, just a clear understanding that good dietary choices and a feel good attitude towards lifestyle is the key. This is what I've learned through thousands of hours of study. You are hormone driven to feel good, not sick. So, let your knowledge and a healthy gut guide you, not your tongue's taste buds, and when you understand this, you can live as long and happy as a blue zone centenarian does.

Insulin resistance is the most significant hallmark of type 2 diabetes, and it's a precursor of cellular damage. (5) If you stop sending the fat-storage hormone insulin to your cells, you will begin to burn fat, become more insulin sensitive, and create important fat transformed ketones. Ketones are in reality a simple carbohydrate that is considered medically excellent for fixing chemical imbalances in the brain. And, at the same time, if you increase your HDL (Omega 3 oils found in dietary nourishing food like flaxseed or algae) intake, the bad cholesterol in your blood and arteries will begin to be recycled and effectively lowered to a less dangerous level.

The Carb Fast is not about abstinence from all nutrition carbs, but it is about removing the insulin spiking sugars from your diet altogether, and not making an issue when there is an occasional social instance that it may seem insulting to refuse to be generous. To understand this explained by Dr. Hyman in a simple way watch this Cleveland Clinic YouTube:

Along with understanding the hormonal effect of the foods you eat, I also recommend that you use a 5-day plan of regular caloric intake, along with two days of reduced caloric intake (500 - 800 calories) while concentrating on feeling satiated. By doing this you can effectively shed about 2 lbs per week (5 lbs max). Since you do not need to harm yourself by not scientifically sampling your bodies conditional changes, it is best to insist that consult with your primary care physician, if you're planning to lose more than 10% of your weight within 60 days. Don't forget to take a multivitamin and a vitamin B complex to make sure you received adequate essential nutrients on those days of calorically restricted intake.

Take a good look at the foods in the Insulin Index that will help you to feel satiated. When you start to create Ketones for brain fuel, the hunger hormone (ghrelin) is down-regulated, and the satiety hormone (leptin) becomes up-regulated through hormone receptor sensitivity. Ensure that your consumption of water is between .5 and 1 gallon each day (think a cup or 8 oz. 8 times during the day to reach that 1/2 gal minimum amount.)

Also, don't forget to get active at least 30 minutes each day. For some, this is a challenge, but it shouldn't be. Hippocrates, the ancient Greek who is said to be the father of modern medicine, once said, "Walking is the best medicine." So, this is a great way to start your path towards recovering from a sedentary lifestyle.

One last crucial final point; Your body requires sleep each day. The sleep cycle, also called your circadian rhythm, needs to be between 6 and 9 hours each day. (1) Sleep deprivation affects the body similar to the activation of the endocannabinoid (eCB) system, causing weight gain. (2) It also affects your immune system (3) and gut health. Because when you sleep, you fast, and the gut microbiome can influence health through the brain-gut-microbiome axis. (4).

Where is the clinical proof that my program works. Well I don't have a clinic yet, but if you still need some empirical clinical evidence watch the follow YouTube from U.K. Practitioner Dr. Unwin.

Let Dr. Sarah Hallberg present with more meta analysis regarding the safety and the reversal of insulin resistance on a High Fat - Low Carbohydrate diet, but I don't totally agree that her data is not totally right about how much the carbs are restricted. I happen to think that you can achieve even better results with the bulking effect of high fiber low sugar vegetable, but I fully agree with the argument about the high fat not bouncing the triglyceride level to a dangerous level. However, I disagree here that data is not bias towards in her point of view regarding the danger of raising the damage done with raising Omega 6 and others verses raising Omega 3 intake. The first YouTube below wast posted in June of 2019.

Her research does not break down the benefits of short chain fatty acid focus for gastric Butyric Acid production. She never addresses the know risk factors that occurs with an increase in Palmitic Acid. I do however agree with her take on no calorie sweeteners. I use the sugar alcohol, Erythritol, blended with Stevia. And, I do agree with her thought about salt depletion being the cause keto flu. But, the follow two videos clearly shows her passion about getting the clinical proof about reversing insulin resistance and fixing the obesity epidemic, but I believe that her lack of cautionary guidance towards particularly damaging fatty. (This linked YouTube video done at Cleveland Clinic, introduced by Dr. Mark Hyman and was posted in September of 2018 is almost a mirror to the previous video by Dr. Hallberg.)

I do agree with her thoughts on the importance of Magnesium supplementation. However, she does briefly state her biased concentration on MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids) and you can find a list here: Look at the list and you will find The research has indicated that these are not the fats to be focus on such as the Palmitic Acid which I have mentioned above.

My focus is more towards Butyrate production in the gut, but because of the significant research I've found in PubMed to convince me of it's healing effects (Google PubMed Search results) For me Bifidobacteria is the key to good gut health and it's why I am a huge proponent for the consumption of the probiotic kefir. I see this paradigm in the same way as Dr. Eades does in the following YouTube presentation also posted on YouTube in June of 2019 ( The philosopher in me loves his little caveat on Confirmation bias found at this point in the video 1:09:58, and the caveat before this about Intention-to-treat analysis found at 1:04:00 ): If you enjoyed Dr. Eades YouTube video, try viewing this one as well: 'A New Hypothesis of Obesity' where he talks about free radicals (ROS) causing insulin resistance beginning at this point in his lecture 19:05. ) To be totally transparent, I have a slight more scientifically biased affinity towards sunflower oil over lard.

My most important video reference for my method is a YouTube that was posted in 2016 by Jeff Novick.

He is registered dietitian nutritionist, who has done a symposium presentation explaining the virtue of a sugary carb fast and why bulking bulking on slow carbs to satiety has the best metabolic effect on human health. If you take a good look at the blue zone centenarian cultures you can see how my carb fast method mirrors their lifestyle. Good friends gathering to support the ideology of longevity through focused support for reducing caloric intake to achieve a satiated healthy society. You don't starve on The Carb Fast. You slowly adjust to a more fulfilling lifestyle. Slowing things down and not burning out, that is the key towards successful weight loss.

Still not convinced that you should try my low carbohydrate fasting method?


Why adapt the carb fast lifestyle? How do I know this is a safe method?

Isn't my doctor going to give me the proper advice?

Do you still need to have your paradigm shifted regarding my advice compared to the advice you may be receiving from your American doctor or other's who think they know?


Watch the HBO Docs "Weight of a Nation" videos below, and see why the dogma of medical practitioners are perpetuating this epidemic of obesity in America.


As you view the following "Weight of a Nation" videos below you will witness the problem behind the current misguided dogma that most classically trained nutritionally misguided practitioners still adhere to today, it's an alarming and ignorant misnomer that all calories are the same. If this were true about calories, then they should be metabolized the same by the body, but clearly, through a multitude of well documented scientifically sound metabolic studies, this is absolutely a fallacy. It is a little analogous to perhaps saying that fire wood burns the same as gasoline, therefore we can the use fire wood in a mars rocket.

Dr. Robert Lustig, an endocrinologist who specializes in pediatric obesity, and also appears in the video below, has for many years presented significant verifiable clinical evidence regarding the toxic effects of the highly refined carbohydrate sugar additions in Americans which can lead directly to obesity and death. Because of my personal experience and knowledge in reversing obesity and diabetes, I have presented a few of Dr. Lustig conference videos on this web site, where he has attempted to clearly point out the biological absurdity of this premise!

You may not feel as passionate about this argument as I do, but for me, it should be instantly acknowledged as a fallacy by those who are ethical enough to fully research out the human metabolic processes first before making such a absurdly false claim such as "a calorie is a calorie" when arguing the obesity issue. I understand it very well not because I'm a well certified nutritionist, but because I am a nutritional scientist who has a firmly grounded in the philosophical truth that ethically I can be completely flawed in the way I perceive the actual empirical evidence. Although my knowledge may be limited, but my imagination encompasses the world.

Footnote References

1) Dr. Sudhansu Chokroverty, co-chair of neurology and program director for clinical neurophysiology and sleep medicine at the New Jersey Neuroscience Institute at JFK Medical Center in Edison, N.J., was quoted in a freely available online published pdf, titled “2 Overview of Normal Sleep.” It stated "An average adult needs between 7.5 and 8 hours of sleep per night." And then quotes the doctor as having said, “But many people can function with 6 hours' sleep, and there also some who need 9 hours or more.”

2) In an NIH RESEARCH MATTERS article by Tianna Hicklin, published March 22, 2016, titled "Molecular ties between lack of sleep and weight gain), she stated, "A group led by Drs. Erin Hanlon and Eve Van Cauter at the University of Chicago wanted to better understand how sleep and weight gain interact biologically. They noticed that sleep deprivation has effects in the body similar to activation of the endocannabinoid (eCB) system, a key player in the brain’s regulation of appetite and energy levels." (

Hanlon EC, Tasali E, Leproult R, et al. Sleep Restriction Enhances the Daily Rhythm of Circulating Levels of Endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoylglycerol. Sleep. 2016;39(3):653‐664. Published 2016 Mar 1. doi:10.5665/sleep.5546 ( )

3) In an abstract for an article entitled "A bidirectional relationship between sleep and oxidative stress in Drosophila" (by Hill, et al.) in the PLOS Biology (a medical journal) pTogether, finds through the study at "these results support the hypothesis that a key function of sleep is to defend against oxidative stress and also point to a reciprocal role for reactive oxygen species (ROS) in neurons in the regulation of sleep."

Hill, Vanessa M et al. “A bidirectional relationship between sleep and oxidative stress in Drosophila.” PLoS biology vol. 16,7 e2005206. 12 Jul. 2018, doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.2005206

4) Smith, Robert P et al. “Gut microbiome diversity is associated with sleep physiology in humans.” PloS one vol. 14,10 e0222394. 7 Oct. 2019, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0222394

5) Hurrle, Samantha, and Walter H. Hsu. “The Etiology of Oxidative Stress in Insulin Resistance.” Biomedical Journal, Elsevier, 8 Nov. 2017,

6) Dr Unwin’s NICE Endorsed Sugar Equivalence Infographics

Looking to make a change about your nutrition?