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Who am I?

I was a 12 year veteran of the U.S. Navy. And, in my athletic youth, I had been given the impression that sugary foods were necessary for my brain and body to function optimally. This impression was catastrophically wrong and I eventually developed type 2 diabetes. I had doctors habitually telling me that this disease was incurable and progressive. They often held up a fist and claimed it was my portion size. It was wrong.

It was not until I had educated myself on nutrition and learned how to reverse my addiction to high-calorie sugary foods. In 2018, my doctor determined that I was indeed able to cure myself of this disease through a well-known fasting technique, and a tailored nutritional plan which I developed through reading medical research found in the NIH PubMed database. This method of caloric reduction is ancient and was frequently taught by the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates.

I’m a certified weight loss specialist that will help you to develop a tailored plan with an educational emphasis on the correct perspective to conquer hormone-driven eating habits. A plan that will get you from overeating to Slim and Trim.