Understanding the Slim-A-Trim benefits of Refined Carbohydrate restriction and intermittent fasting (Pt. 3)

Signimu & Google & Penubag, Apache License 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Signimu & Google & Penubag, Apache License 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

3) Developing a very happy and healthy lean gut.

Once you’ve learned that the predominant biological organisms in our body are primitive and not produced by our own genetic coding, you may then realize that they are necessary to help us flourish by making us immune from deadly diseases. However, once it is clear to you that they are essentially viewed in biology as a primitively alien species, you may begin to envision God from a significantly shifted paradigm than most normally ignorant individuals. We need our gut to be healthy, so take care to feed it well.

It is estimated that the total number of bacteria in your body is at about 3.8*10^13 which is about a 10:1 ratio more than the number of human cells in your body. (PMID: 27541692) Accounting for an estimated 500–1000 species of bacteria contain far more genes than our human genome. (PMID: 29634682) There is a good amount of symbiotic interaction between the gut microbiota and immunity in health and disease. (PMID: 32433595) Please watch the following presentation to understand endothelial mucosal immunity better. (Length: 00:10:06):

Sugar is known to have an autoimmune response within the microbiome. High levels of glucose or fructose in the diet regulate the gut microbiota and increase intestinal permeability, which precedes the development of metabolic endotoxemia, inflammation, and lipid accumulation, ultimately leading to hepatic steatosis and normal-weight obesity. (PMID: 29899272, 31412673) High sugar intake seems to stagger the balance of microbiota, by modifying the ratio of Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes, to have increased pro-inflammatory properties, decreased immune-regulatory functions, and decreased capacity to regulate epithelial integrity. In enterocytes, LPS induces the release of interleukin 8 (IL-8)—a key chemokine responsible for inducing inflammatory responses, which, in turn, transmute tight junctions and lead to impairment of epithelial integrity. (PMID: 32397233, 25184559)

Please watch the following presentation by Prof. Wendy Riggs to understand endothelial mucosal immunity better. (Length: 00:09:52):

Please watch the following presentation by Prof. Wendy Riggs to understand the importance of endothelial mucosal health better. (Length: 00:04:42):

In enterocytes, lipopolysaccharide induces the release of interleukin 8 (IL-8)—a key chemokine responsible for inducing inflammatory responses, which, in turn, transmute tight junctions and lead to impairment of epithelial integrity. (PMID: 32397233) At the innermost of the three regions of the lipopolysaccharide is Lipid A which can seep into the bloodstream should the small intestine barrier become compromised. If this is left to irradicate the endothelial mucosa, the body eventually develops a fatal condition called sepsis. (PMID: 30915218) The gram-negative bacteria implicated in the production of lipopolysaccharide are known to thrive on processed sugar in our highly processed American diet (a.k.a. the s.a.d. diet). (PMID: 26133659, 31315227)

To understand the difference between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and how they can be seen by a microscope please watch the following presentation by Kyle Kobe. (Length: 00:09:18)

Lipid A (and LPS) has been demonstrated to activate cells via Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), MD-2, and CD14 on the cell surface. (PMID: 25147831) Although this is well known amongst physicians of today (chiefly your general practitioners), few will hazard their reputation by teaching you the cure for all of what ails you is about changing your eating habits because they understand so little about nutritional science themselves.

To understand Endotoxin better please watch the following presentation by Dr. Lokender Kumar, Ph.D. (Length: 00:05:54):

The Gut (or Gastrointestinal tract) is a long muscular tube from your pie hole to your pooper (in other words, from the mouth to the anus) which includes all the organs of the digestive system. Your important gram-positive bacteria must travel a long journey to reach a point in your small intestine where they can thrive and assist your mucosa in strengthening your immune system against dangerous pathogens and boost your longevity. (PMID: 28622510) Most prebiotic research has focused on the effects that prebiotics confers on Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus. (a.k.a. good gut gram-positive bacteria) The Slim-A-Trim method itself is a fasting-mimicking low-FODMAP way of thinking to boost your metabolism, but it’s understood that some individuals may already have Crohn's disease, a propensity for SIBO, or may even have had a devastating gram-negative microbiome infection which leads to the leaky gut syndrome. (PMID: 16188921, 28274108, 28588585) This is why a Slim-A-Trim plan believes that a thorough doctor’s exam is necessary before a tailored weight-reduction plan is laid out. There is a great deal your gut microbes can tell us about your health and a fecal test is highly recommended. And, if necessary Slim-A-Trim can refer you to an affordable healthcare provider for a required wellness check. It contains an incredible amount of genetic information.

Please watch the following excellent presentation by Patrick Kelly to understand the importance of a gram-positive endothelial mucosal microbiome better. (Length: 00:10:02):

The most important fact about your gut, which may be a shift in your paradigm, is that there is a large number of muscle cells existing there (a.k.a. gut-muscle axis). (PMID: 32443396, 31319564, 23375520, 32242213, 26913005) Muscles are more energy-producing than fat as they have many times more mitochondria than fat cells. (PMID: 27588285, 22784416) Mitochondria are the primary energy-giving fat-burning organelle within the energy-consuming (thermogenic) cells of our bodies.

And, if we are more active without aggressive exercise, we will burn calories through a process termed NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis). (PMID: 30149423) And, the Slim-A-Trim program does evaluated your present lifestyle and your ability to exercise much closer than that of other programs to develop a tailored plan. How can you loose weight and feel healthy, if you are not able to ‘workout’? Through NEAT, high glucose reduction, and cellular differentiation of white adipose tissue to brown (cell signaling, CLA induced, white adipose tissue morphology), Slim-A-Trim can help you to effectively overcome obesity through developing a healthier gut.

Please watch the presentation by Ben Carpenter below to understand NEAT better. A word of warning; Ben is calm in this video, but in other videos, he can become passionate and colloquially vulgar. (In other words, his speech is at times lacking a good heathy dose of academic sophistication.) (Length: 00:02:54):


My insightful research findings and thoughts?

Hara hachi bun me! Through my many hours of researching Okinawan's anti-aging longevity factors, I too now believe hara hachi bun me assists in keeping the average Okinawan's BMI low, and I am convinced that this is due to the delay in the stomach stretch receptors that help signal satiety through mitigating the release of ghrelin. (PMID: 26042199) But, I have found that the way these longevity experts stretch out their stomach with microbiome-enhancing (fibrous and nutrient-rich prebiotic) and highly-satiating miso soup (recipe) that includes high fiber vegetables such as bitter melon (goya), purple sweet potato (beni imo), and brown seaweed (mozuku) (PMID: 26951067)

Their unique type of diet enhances the prevalence of acetogenesis genes and allows them the biological reduction of organic acids to acetate by anaerobic bacteria which occurs via fermentation. A study of significance found evidence that made the connection between high levels of acetate, acetyl-CoA, and the inactivation of autophagy. (PMID: 24703691) Autophagy is important for the gut not to create senescent cells from the damaged ones, but to rejuvenate endothelial cells before they are signaled into uncontrolled growth (HeLa) (PMID: 24848057). A fasting-mimicking diet, just like the Okinawan caloric restrictive lifestyle, can rejuvenate damaged cells through autophagy. (PMID: 30409213. 26094889, 28202779, 30840892, 27239035)

A Slim-A-Trim tailored plan works with your body effortlessly to reverse underlying metabolic issues to make your cells younger and longer-lasting. Schedule a free consultation today,

Noteworthy summary insight about Slim-A-Trim’s longevity enhancing fasting-mimicking method of weight loss:

The BRIGHT SIDE very simply explains why autophagy is essential for life. (Length: 00:09:34) And, this is followed by the WSJ report on Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi's noble prize for his finds on Autophagy’s heath effect. (Length: 00:03:16)

Please watch the following presentation by Dr. Valter Longo regarding how a fasting-mimicking diet induces autophagy and cellular rejuvenation. (Length: 00:19:13):

And, then please watch the following presentation by JJ Medicine to understand the mechanism for diet induced autophagy and cellular rejuvenation. (Length: 00:14:26):

More videos:

Dr. Valter Longo:

Dr. Valter Longo On Fasting, Ketogenesis + Low-Protein Diets FULL INTERVIEW (Length: 01:18:09)

In this interview, Registered Dietitian Whitney English chats with Dr. Longo about the biological effects of fasting, the research supporting a plant-based, low-protein diet, and how fasting/FMDs may prevent or treat chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, and cognitive decline.

You are what you eat: Fasting as an approach for a healthy long life | Dr Valter Longo (Length: 01:02:16)

Could a change in our #diet make a difference in the way we age? Find out more from Dr Valter Longo from the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California in this episode of the Healthy Longevity webinar series!

The Fasting Mimicking Diet: Impacts on Aging and Chronic Disease with Valter Longo, PhD (Length: 00:39:07)

Fasting can be an important clinical tool to promote patient health. There are various approaches to fasting, which allows for the use of the most appropriate therapeutic application for each patient. Intermittent fasting strategies such as periodic fasting mimicking diets have a range of potential health benefits and may improve physical and mental health through multiple pathways, from triggering autophagy to enhancing mitochondrial health.

Webinar | It's Not What You Eat, but When: The Impact of Diet on Healthy Aging (Length: 00:55:36)

AFAR experts Valter Longo, Ph.D. and Satchin Panda, Ph.D. presented on caloric restriction, the fasting-mimicking diet, and the circadian code. AFAR Scientific Director Steven Austad, Ph.D. moderated the webinar and Q&A.

Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi

What is autophagy? A dynamic cellular recycling process (Length: 00:46:00)

Nobel laureate Yoshinori Ohsumi's lecture at the Molecular Frontiers Symposium at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, Oct 2017. The topic of the symposium was "Science for Tomorrow".

Bert Herring:

The Mystery of Fast-5 and D.I.E.T. (Length: 00:16:28)

Explains how his antidotal N of 1 trial (a.k.a. Quantified self) lead him to discover the benefits of time restricted eating, and how you can train the brain into being healthy and active without any extra exertion nor inflammatory stress. How he was able to train his brain naturally and gain control over his own excessive eating habit.

Dr. Sten Ekberg

Lose Belly Fat But Don't Eat These Common Foods (Length: 00:21:42)

Have you ever wondered what not to eat to lose belly fat? Here are 10 foods that you don't want to eat if you want to burn belly fat which is the major concern these days. Thanks to our sedentary lifestyle a lot of people are getting a larger belly. While some people say a low-calorie food like rice cakes, tomatoes, apples etc. make you feel full, you will soon find out the flaw in this thinking. These foods will make you feel hungry soon and make you feel drained of energy until you eat again. Learn the truth about Losing Belly Fat and what Foods to Eat.

Dr Jason Fung

Type 2 Diabetes/Obesity/Fibre in Diets (Length: 00:43:18)

Dr. Jason Fung explains the role of insulin in the diseases of type 2 diabetes and obesity, then explains how fibre and fasting protect against them.

Dr. Steven Gundry

The Dawg and the Doc: Randy Jackson + Dr. Gundry | Ep100 (Length: 00:29:46)

Randy Jackson explains to Dr. Gundry how he was able to educate himself and fix his leaky gut to lose all of his poor health issues such as type 2 diabetes. How concentrating on having a good gut is the answer to good health. Gundry is correct about how important the microbiome is, however his claims about lectins being the primary cause of a bad gut are in fact not proven to be correct. It is gram-negative bacteria and the lack of good healthy microflora that are the true cause of bad and leaky gut. I have been known to have a bowl of chili with beans on occasion, and know how it is cooked makes a huge difference. The slow cooker style is the best with precooked beans. To me, Dr. Gundry is a shameless self-promoter and is rather quackish in his findings. (PMID: 4026292 PDF)

Dr Alan Mandell, DC



Easily digested, it cleanses the intestines, provides beneficial bacteria and yeast, vitamins and minerals, and complete proteins. Because kefir is such a balanced and nourishing food, it contributes to a healthy immune system and has been used to help patients suffering from AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, herpes, and cancer.

Its tranquilizing effect on the nervous system has benefited many who suffer from sleep disorders, depression, and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

The regular use of kefir can help relieve all intestinal disorders, promote bowel movement, reduce flatulence and create a healthier digestive system. In addition, its cleansing effect on the whole body helps to establish a balanced inner ecosystem for optimum health and longevity.

Kefir can also help eliminate unhealthy food cravings by making the body more nourished and balanced. Its excellent nutritional content offers healing and health-maintenance benefits to people in every type of condition.

Jeff Novick, MS, RDN

(Full Length) Calorie Density: How To Eat More, Weigh Less and Live Longer (Length: 01:19:38)

Calorie Density: How To Eat More, Weigh Less, and Live Longer - Understanding a few simple concepts about calorie density is one of the keys to safe and permanent weight loss. In this enlightening and humorous talk, Jeff will show you why choosing the wrong kinds of calories is a major contributing factor to the obesity epidemic. His easy-to-follow instructions will help you reach your goal weight and live a long and healthy life.


Probiotics Benefits + Myths | Improve Gut Health | Doctor Mike (Length: 00:08:21)

Mike gives his recommendations on how you can improve your gut. Very good info no covered in my limited post.

Intermittent Fasting: Fad or Future? with Steven Gundry M.D., Jason Fung M.D., Carrie Diulus M.D. (Length: 00:55:36)

Three experts address whether fasting is good for everyone, and the healing it can provide for many troubled with weight-loss issues and endocrine imbalances.

Why fasting bolsters brain power: Mark Mattson at TEDxJohnsHopkinsUniversity (Length: 00:16:43)

Mark Mattson is the current Chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging. He is also a professor of Neuroscience at The Johns Hopkins University. Mattson is one of the foremost researchers in the area of cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Food for thought: How your belly controls your brain | Ruairi Robertson | TEDxFulbrightSantaMonica (Length: 00:14:30)

As a nutritionist, microbiologist and neuroscientist, Ruairi Robertson is passionate about the link between our bellies and brains. His research is examining how our intestines and the microbes within them can influence both physical and mental health, and most importantly how our diets influence this relationship. Ruairi has travelled the world researching food, and believes it is the key to global public health. Ruairi is a PhD student in University College Cork in Ireland and current Fulbright Scholar (2015/16) to Harvard University.

Sugar is Not a Treat | Jody Stanislaw | TEDxSunValley (Length: 00:15:31)

Sugar is hiding everywhere in today's widely-accepted diet, but meanwhile its devastating effects are creating more deaths than automobile accidents. In this eye-opening talk, Dr. Jody Stanislaw, a Naturopathic Doctor who has been studying the negative effects of sugar since being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 7, dives into how the widespread negative effects of sugar are effecting us all, and what you can do about it. Dr. Jody Stanislaw received her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine in 2007. She is a Certified Diabetes Educator, Type 1 Diabetes Specialist, and a founding board member of the Low Carb Diabetes Association. Having lived with Type 1 Diabetes since the age of seven, she has dedicated her career to helping others with Type 1. From her 30+ years of experience, she teaches life-changing information about how to successfully manage Type 1 that most physicians have never learned, and the millions struggling with Type 1 desperately need to know. Patients from over thirty states and ten countries have worked with her via her virtual practice. Yet there are millions around the world still struggling. To tackle this gap, she will soon be launching the first-ever, Type 1 diabetes virtual training course, with the goal of improving the lives of millions of Type 1’s around the world.

Confessions of a Sugar Addict in a Sugar-Laden World | Laura Marquis | TEDxLoyolaMarymountU (Length: 00:09:28)

For nearly a decade, Laura Marquis was inexplicably sick. Motivated to find answers, Laura embarked on a journey of self-discovery, finding that the food we eat directly impacts our health and wellness. Armed with a degree in Applied Body Science, a passion for health, and a thirst for answers, Laura became a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist and later opened her own fitness studio in 2009. Today, she is drawn to the kitchen by a passion to educate herself and others on the sugar epidemic, launching the very first refined-sugar-free dessert cookbook.

Hooked, Hacked, Hijacked: Reclaim Your Brain from Addictive Living: Dr. Pam Peeke at TEDxWallStreet (Length: 00:13:54)

Dr. Pamela Peeke is an internationally renowned physician, scientist, and expert in the fields of nutrition, metabolism, stress and fitness. Triathlete and marathoner, Dr. Peeke is nationally known as the "doc who walks the talk" inspiring through example. Dr. Peeke is the lifestyle expert for WebMD's 90 million members and a regular blogger on cutting-edge science in health and wellness. Presently, Dr. Peeke is Senior Science Advisor to Elements Behavioral Health, the nation's most preeminent network of eating disorders and addiction centers. Her current research focuses on how addictive behaviors have subtly and often profoundly penetrated daily lifestyle habits

How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behaviour: Leonard Mlodinow at TEDxReset 2013 (Length: 00:18:43)

Leonard Mlodinow is an American theoretical physicist and mathematician, screenwriter, and author. In physics, he is known for his work on the large N expansion, a method of approximating the spectrum of atoms based on the consideration of an infinite-dimensional version of the problem, and for his work on the quantum theory of light inside dielectrics. He speaks about how we perceive and how our mind controls our reality. Overeating is in the control of your subconscious mind.

Webinar | It's Not What You Eat, but When: The Impact of Diet on Healthy Aging (Length: 00:55:36)

AFAR experts Valter Longo, Ph.D., and Satchin Panda, Ph.D. presented on caloric restriction, the fasting-mimicking diet, and the circadian code. AFAR Scientific Director Steven Austad, Ph.D. moderated the webinar and Q&A.

Healthy, (Nutrient) Wealthy and Wise: Diet for Healthy Aging - Research on Aging (Length: 00:58:53)

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans emphasize eating more foods from plants, such as vegetables and beans, whole grains, and nuts. Learn more about the health benefits of choosing a diet heavy in fruits and vegetables from Katherine Richman, MD, Medical Director of Thornton Radiology and Clinical Professor of Radiology at the UC San Diego School of Medicine.

Inflammation: Is the Gut the Driving Force of Systemic Inflammation? (Length: 00:59:23)

Robert Martindale, MD, PhD, works in the ICU as a general and trauma surgeon. In this video, Martindale discusses inflammatory-based diseases (heart disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes) as a global burden.

Intermittent Fasting and Time-Restricted Eating: Biomarkers, Body Composition, and Cancer Outcomes (Length: 01:28:19)

In this webinar, three experts presented research on intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating in human and animal models. The speakers described biological, psychosocial, and behavioral mechanisms associated with each time-based dietary approach as well as their impact on cancer outcomes. The webinar concluded with Q&A.

Mark Spilmon

My goal is to become a well-respected Nutritional Scientist. Learn more about me on my personal Website listed here.


Understanding the Slim-A-Trim benefits of Refined Carbohydrate restriction and intermittent fasting (Pt. 2)