Understanding the Slim-A-Trim benefits of Refined Carbohydrate restriction and intermittent fasting (Pt. 2)

Signimu & Google & Penubag, Apache License 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Signimu & Google & Penubag, Apache License 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

2) Reversing the tide of insatiable cravings and emotional overeating.

Limbic System.png

Before I embark on my very talkative analysis with lengthy supportive YouTubes, I would like you to watch this one very important video from Dr. Jason Fung on overcoming your body’s unwillingness to change its homeostatic weight point (Length: 00:10:06):

The limbic system, or the paleomammalian cortex, is known to have control over several rather involuntary functions of the body. Among these are olfaction, or our sense of smell; our behavioral responses; emotional control; and long-term memory. If you’re currently overweight, you are most likely biased by taste and memory to consume certain foods.

To understand how taste affects your biasing towards eating certain foods that aren’t necessarily good for you, please watch the following TED talk featuring Neurologist Camilla Arndal Andersen (Length: 00:13:43):

Prior to having a taste of our food, we are already become biasedly influenced by its sight and smell. Please view the following TED Talk presentation by Dr. Rachel Herz on how smell affects our conditioned/emotional desire to eat (Length: 00:17:18):

I have come to understand, through my many hours of research, that monosaccharides such as cane sugar and high-fructose corn syrup have an opioid effect on the brain similar to that of cocaine in the way the brain reacts to their taste, however they’re much more addictive. (PMID: 17617461) Even the innocent use of sugar-free sweeteners, such as sodium saccharin, has been found to be at least 10x more addictive than cocaine. (PMID: 17668074) This alone can be the single most underlying cause of your weight issue and your inability to reverse weight gain due to an altered body set point controlled by the hypothalamus via the hippocampus (PMID: 30026913, 22065844, 18032108, ). The pleasure signal that is sent to your brain by your taste buds triggers a response in hormones that causes an insatiable desire to consume more nutritional empty calories of food and this toxifies your liver and other organs like the brain. (PMID: 26005677)

To understand the effect of tasting a monosaccharide has on your brain please watch the following TED-Ed video presented by Dr. Nicole Avena (Length: 00:05:02):

To understand what is necessary to break your addiction to monosaccharides, please watch the following video presented by Dr. Tracey Marks (Length: 00:07:56):

Now, if you understand that your overeating habit is a correctable conditioned response in connection to our sense of sight, smell, and taste, you can develop a healthy fasting habit to shed the wanted unhealthy weight in a more permanent way. This results in having scientifically sound knowledge-based habits to reverse the psychological conditioning, which I emphasize is necessary to eradicate obesity-driven eating disorders, and have a healthier dietary lifestyle. And, you will need an obviously profound paradigm shift in the probable way you think about food today to do so. So that when you see, smell, and taste obesity-promoting food, you’ll have the educated propensity to reject it as unsuitable nourishment. To understand psychological behavioral conditioning (Classical conditioning vs. Operant conditioning) better, please view the following CrashCourse video (Length: 00:11:49):

Besides the obviously conditioned response to memories that sensory stimuli have to trigger on your lustful cravings, hormones have more significant control over our desire to eat. Leptin (LEP) is an extremely powerful hormone that has a significant influence on this region of the brain, as well as a critical regulator of many physiological functions, ranging from satiety to immunity. However, it is not produced by the endocrine system, it is a transcription product of white adipose tissue. (PMID: 20083828) And, it is produced by the transcription of the leptin gene and regulated by Fos-related antigen 2 (FRA2 or FOSL2). (Gene ID: 3952) Levels of Leptin within the body are related to the amount of body fat (adipose tissue). (PMID: 20083828)

Leptin binds with the leptin receptors (ObRs) expressed in the brain as well as in peripheral tissues and it’s this event that should trigger a conditioned response to bring you to a conclusion that you should stop eating. (PMID: 20083828) However, the vast majority of obese individuals, with high levels of circulating leptin, are resistant to its satiating effects. Moreover, it appears that cytokine signaling-3 (SOC3), which occurs when consuming large amounts of monosaccharides, disaccharides, and oils that are inflammatory such as saturated fats caloric dense fats, inhibits the leptin signal, (caffeine reacts in a similar way to keep a person alert). So, not only does your body become inflamed, you never quite feel full. (PMID: 10514492, 19755625) This leads to involuntary weight gain due to inflammation of the hypothalamus by SOC3 (PMID: 20068134).

Ghrelin, the hunger hormone, activates the exchange protein activated by cAMP (Epac), inducing increased SOCS3 expression, which negatively affects leptin signaling in the brain. In 2014, researchers found that 91 ± 3% of leptin receptor (LRb) -bearing neurons contain ghrelin receptors (GHS-R1a) as well. (PMID: 25060362) Therefore, if you don’t mitigate ghrelin secretion as quickly as possible through bulking of the stomach with the increased consumption of non-caloric polysaccharide dense food, you will have leptin resistance, and experience cravings. (PMID: 15284203, 25921546, 30388597) Ghrelin inhibits anorexic pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons in the hypothalamus. (PMID: 28547758) Through polysaccharide bulking when you feel a craving you will not only become satisfied you will feed your gut microbiome the prebiotics it needs for your immunity.

To understand leptin resistance better please watch Professor Stephan Guyenet's lecture below. (Length: 00:43:46):

Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), part of the central melanocortin system, is a critical component in the regulation of energy balance, in both feeding behaviors and energy expenditure, as well as peripheral tissues such as skin and hair (color). (PMID: 31798479) Both the photoperiod and dietary polyphenols have a profound effect on the hippocampus response to leptin due to the production of POMC used in the melanocortin system to regulate hunger. (PMID: 22279596, 33202557)

Metabolic syndrome is a significant factor in the healthy production of POMC which leads directly to a lack of weight control and obesity. (PMID: 23766565, 31798479, 32244188, 33633406, 33233816, )

Please watch the following video presented by Prof. Simon Carding to understand the connection between gut bacteria and brain health. (Length: 01:00:49)


My insightful research findings and thoughts?

What I have discovered, through my many hours of sifting through the PubMed database of research papers, is that a low inflammatory and calorically restrictive intermittent fast which is heavy towards consuming in a high-fiber, low-glycemic way (in other words, to induce ketone body metabolism) which includes probiotic gut nutrition (like Goat milk kefir), you can reverse the leptin resistance enable yourself to feel satiated. (Here’s An example diet from EatingWell) And, it is the dysfunction of POMC to regulate your appetite which leads to a persistent leptin resistance problem. (PMID: 23396451, 30812013, 21856125, 31349661, 20368953, 31787141, 28547758) Fasting increases hypothalamic GABA content which in turn suppresses the urge to eat. (PMID: 23966982) You may think that GABA supplementation may be the answer, however, the best way I have found to significantly reduce your caloric intake of highly processed glycemic nutrients and the cravings for sweetened foods is by bulking your stomach up on fermentable fibers (like wheat bran and flaxseed meal) and with the consumption of lean nutrient-dense protein a hard-boiled egg or two during intermittent fasting. Also, it won’t hurt to consume an ounce of MCT oil with your fiber. you’ll find that this is a very low-cost, yet highly effective method of reversing your leptin resistance.

To me, it is as simple as looking in a mirror to see the first clue in recognizing that something is amiss in your dietary health. The next thing you should be looking for are signs that you have had any significant and alarming body changes, specifically in your waist size (girth measurement). Are you ignoring what your gut is telling you? How stressful is your life? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you active or sedentary? Do you have uncontrollable cravings and an insatiable desire to eat in excess? Do you have a sweet tooth and sugary sweet-tasting foods make up a large part of your diet? Have you lost weight only to have it yoyo back again? Do you lack the energy you need just to make it through the day, even with plenty of rest? These are all signs of a metabolic disorder (a.k.a. Syndrome X).

The Slim-A-Trim method is to look deeply into what are the underlying factors involved with your metabolic illness, then tailor an individualized plan to reverse your metabolic dysfunction permanently, and allow you to cure yourself effortlessly. Allowing you the pleasure of curing yourself for life is the main goal of a scientifically tailored Slim-A-Trim weight loss plan.

More videos:

Dr. Jason Fung:

Dr Jason Fung on Body Set Weight (Length: 00:33:04)

Explains why intermittent fasting will fix the fat setpoint to be lower and you keep the weight off.

Dr.Jason Fung on How Fasting affects Nutrient Sensors in the Body (Length: 00:58:37)

Explains how Intermittent Fasting is balancing your feeding times with your fasting times and the science of how fasting affects nutrient sensors in the body, turning down the growth factors of cancer.

Dr. Jason Fung on Fat Phobia (Length: 01:15:51)

Dr. Fung talks about how the true cause of cardio problems being insulin resistance due to a consistently high A1c level creating too much cellular cholesterol.

Dr. Jason Fung on Insulin Resistance, Intermittent Fasting and Autophagy (Length: 00:57:03)

Dr. Fung explains how intermittent fasting can reverse and cure insulin resistance. And, how autophagy works to fix the problem of the weight set point being too high.

Dr Jason Fung Type 2 Diabetes/Obesity/Fibre in Diets (Length: 00:43:14)

Dr. Jason Fung explains the role of insulin in the diseases of type 2 diabetes and obesity, then explains how fiber and fasting protect against them.

Dr. Jason Fung on Fasting and Exercise (Length: 00:49:45)

Dr. Jason Fung talks about fasting basics, the benefits of fasting, intermittent fasting and its hormone response, exercise while fasting, and hunger during fasting.

Dr. Jason Fung on Low Salt Intake (Length: 00:27:36)

Dr. Fung debunks the myth about high sodium levels being the leading cause of hypertension in your body.

Professor Peter Gibson:

2013 "Beating the Bloat: the FODMAP diet & IBS" Central Clinical School public lecture (Length: 01:19:07)

This presentation is on the problem of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and gut symptoms in general and about the worldwide fascination with dietary cures.

Patient Webinars:

Low FODMAP Diet Updated  (Length: 00:59:30)

60 minutes of the most up-to-date and detailed information from a specialist team of award-winning NHS dietitians.

Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes:

Overview of the Brain, Hormones, and Neurotransmitters (Length: 00:38:17)

This is meant to give you a general understanding of the connection your brain has to chemicals in your body.

Neuropsychobiology: Dopamine, GABA, Serotonin, and Acetylcholine (Length: 00:49:14)

A detailed overview of these brain chemicals, and what can be done to meditate excess.

Neurobiology Understanding the Big 6 Neurotransmitters (Length: 01:05:00)

A detailed overview of the Big 6 (Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, GABA, Serotonin, and Acetylcholine)

355 Dopamine It is more than a pleasure chemical (Length: 01:01:18)

A comprehensive overview of Dopamine

356 Norepinephrine Your Get Up and Go (Length: 00:51:18)

A comprehensive overview of Norepinephrine

Serotonin The Multifunctional Neurotransmitter (Length: 00:59:17)

A comprehensive overview of Serotonin

Oxytocin and Mental Health (Length: 00:50:30)

Identify how oxytocin may impact mood, cognition, behavior (including addiction), and social functioning

Dave Asprey

How to optimize your gut and brain bacteria (Length: 00:06:40)

Dave explains how simple habits can foster healthy gut and brain bacteria, which can help you live longer and age more slowly. Eat mostly vegetables, take fiber and prebiotics, and practice intermittent fasting.

Biohacking: Why I’ll live to be 180 years old (Length: 00:03:54)

After surrounding himself with anti-aging researchers and scientists, he discovered the tools of biohacking could dramatically change his life and improve his health.

Sleep hacking: How to control your mitochondrial clocks (Length: 00:06:57)

Quality sleep is foundational to good health, helping to ward off diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's. It's also a key strategy for anti-aging.

Dr. Sten Ekberg

How To Lose Belly Fat Naturally Without Exercise (Length: 00:22:15)

Get A Flat Belly For The Beach, Holiday or just to get healthy. In this video, you will learn how to lose belly fat the right way. So many videos tell you to get a flat stomach you can rub things on your stomach or do exercises, but losing weight and reducing your belly size doesn't work that way. You can't lose your belly fat overnight, in 3 days, or in a week as much as it would be nice it just doesn't work like that.

How to Lose Belly Fat: The Complete Guide (Length: 00:31:31)

This video is on how to lose belly fat, lose weight fast, get rid of belly fat for men and women. If you struggle to lose belly fat or weight or want to keep it off to get the results you want you’ll want to understand the information in this complete guide to losing belly fat and weight loss. It’s about your hormones.

Absolute Best Diet To Lose Belly Fat For Good (Length: 00:25:46)

Have you noticed that when you lose belly fat it always seems to come back? You try diets and exercise, but it feels like an endless battle of the bulge and weight loss. Find out what you need to do to lose weight and keep the belly fat off for good! Dr. Sten Ekberg explains how to change the weight set point by carb restriction and lifestyle modification. Stop eating sugar and start being more active!

How To Reduce Cortisol Levels Naturally For Weight Loss And Stress Relief (Length: 00:29:33)

How to reduce cortisol levels naturally for weight loss and stress relief. Cortisol is a stress hormone associated with belly fat, weight gain, insulin resistance, and muscle wasting. You’ll learn how to lower cortisol levels naturally. Cortisol and weight gain go hand in hand just like cortisol and stress. Therefore a powerful way to lose weight is to reduce the cortisol hormone. You will learn if intermittent fasting, sleeping, exercise, and more help lower cortisol levels too

Top 15 Keto Vegetables - Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want (Length: 00:18:16)

Both proponents and opponents of the keto diet often forget to eat vegetables or don't understand that they can. Just because the diet is higher in fat, the focus becomes on the fat. A healthy diet, keto or not, should include lots of low-carb vegetables.

How Much Fat On Keto Is Too Much Fat? (Length: 00:19:39)

If you are on a high-fat low-carb diet like the ketogenic diet you might be concerned that you are eating too much fat or that the high fat will cause cardiovascular disease due to clogged arteries. For instance, a lot of people are concerned with eating butter. They ask is butter good for you or is butter healthy for you? What about saturated fats?

Will MCT Oil REALLY Help You Lose Weight & Reach KETOSIS Faster? (Length: 00:20:15)

If you want to lose weight faster you will want to get into KETOSIS quickly on a keto diet. Some people can benefit greatly from MCT Oils, but for others it is questionable. Find out if MCT Oil helps gets you into ketosis or if there is a faster, if there is a better way to do it, or maybe you don't even need to take any oil.

How To Count Carbs On A Keto Diet To Lose Weight Fast (Length: 00:21:54)

Are you wanting to lose weight fast? Should you count net carbs or total carbs on a keto diet is a common question. If you're not losing weight or weight loss slows down during the low carb diet, check out these possible reasons why. One of the benefits of low-carb diets is that, for many people, it's easy to do.

Drink THIS For Massive Fasting Benefits - 15 Intermittent Fasting Drinks (Length: 00:19:38)

15 intermittent fasting drinks + bonus - Don't mess up all your success from fasting by drinking the wrong drinks while you are intermittent fasting no matter what your goals are: weight loss, reversing insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes, stay in ketosis, or upregulating autophagy. Are you Fasting and wondering which drinks will break your fast or not? Find out what liquids to drink while fasting that will keep you in a fasted state. Doctor Ekberg explains the drinks for weight loss, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, keto, autophagy, and more details on the beverage. You will learn if drinking coffee while fasting is okay, diet soda, teas, juices, and more.


How do Okinawans live longer than anyone else? (Length: 00:05:00)

Friendly Okinawans who show us why it’s a great place to live. Their whole way of life is centered around living longer not on a lust for wealth as American’s are. And, they are far more willing to share with others in a very kind way. They were introduced to the beneficial lifestyle of consuming plant-based bulking fibers and caloric restrictions even before they were born.

Can Your Diet Change Your Genes? | The Art Of Living - Okinawa (Length: 00:45:11)

Lifestyles of the longest living people in the world. Six of the world’s ‘blue zones’ – regions such as Sardinia, Costa Rica, and Okinawa in Japan, where unusually high numbers of people reach an advanced age – in a quest to find the recipe for a long and healthy life. Along the way, he befriends locals and gets to know them, joining in with their daily routines and discussing their approaches to life, food, and aging. He also reveals different ways of living. For example, in Ikaria, Greece, he discovers a town that keeps the stress levels down by not keeping track of time.

" Longevity Okinawa " (Length: 00:21:31)

Short Film Documentary " Longevity Okinawa " - Centenarian's Secrets — Keeping life simple.

Alive and kicking at 100 - The secrets of the Japanese (Length: 00:51:20)

Through the eyes of very everyday characters, this documentary takes you on a wonderful journey into the heart of a legendary civilization that finds itself ranked above all other nations in terms of longevity. The archipelago of Okinawa, located in the Pacific Ocean at the very south of Japan, contains a population with almost no diseases. What are the secrets of Okinawa’s inhabitants? How can we live longer, more happily, and in good health?

Ikigai - How To Live A Long And Happy Life (Length: 00:21:54)

Those who study why the inhabitants of this island in the south of Japan live longer than people anywhere else in the world believe that one of the keys - in addition to a healthy diet, simple life in the outdoors, green tea, and the subtropical climate - is the ikigai that shapes their lives. Ikigai. Iki meaning “to live” and gai meaning “reason” - or as we would say in English, Ikigai means your reason to live. Lower the cellular inflammation which is caused by spiking cortisol levels of metabolic stress through the ikigai way of the Okinawans. Be friendly and choose to be happy by living simply!

Mark Spilmon

My goal is to become a well-respected Nutritional Scientist. Learn more about me on my personal Website listed here.


Understanding the Slim-A-Trim benefits of Refined Carbohydrate restriction and intermittent fasting (Pt. 3)


Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)