The Personalized Diet

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When I said that I will develop a Tailored Weight Loss Plan, what scientific methodology am I using? Well, I don’t use just one, but the foundational research study for what I do was done by Eran Segal. (PMID: 26590418) Eran Segal is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, heading a lab with a multi-disciplinary team of computational biologists and experimental scientists in Computational Biology.

But, as any other weight loss specialists, like Amy Berger of Tuit Nutrition, have already pointed out, much of dietary success is also determined by our psychological state, which is why I feel that a 30-minute pre-diet consultation is necessary. And, then only with a Tailored Weight-loss Plan can you truly become Slim and Trim.

Mark Spilmon

My goal is to become a well-respected Nutritional Scientist. Learn more about me on my personal Website listed here.

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Hormones, Metabolism and the Benefits of Exercise (a free book)